
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Real Portland Wedding of Jane & Nate

This was such a great day! My old friend and colleague Tom (with Sikora Photography) called me up to see if I could photograph Jane & Nate's wedding with him. His second shooter fell ill and he thought of me to replace her, since Tom and I had worked for many years together some time ago and we're confident around each other. 

Thankfully, I was available, immediately got ready and went straight to St Mary's Cathedral to meet up with the bride. Lo and behold, this wedding ended up being a reunion of sorts for me! You see, Jane's family had hired Tom and I back in 2008 for Jane's sister's wedding too! Corinne (the sister) was one of Jane's bridesmaids and it was a blast seeing her again! So I essentially knew everyone there and it was even more fun to be a part of it! YAY :)

PS: This is part of what it means to be a professional photographer involved with other wedding professionals. We have backups! We work well together and can always support one another in case of emergencies. I'm so glad I got the call and was available to help! :)

Here are the details of the wedding:

Date: Saturday February 18th 2012
Photography (on this blog specifically): Alice with
Main photographer: Sikora Photography
Make up and hair: Nicole with Powder Inc.
Ceremony: St Mary's Cathedral, NW Portland
Reception: the MAC (Mutlnomah Athletic Club) NW Portland
Bentley getaway car: privately owned by a friend

Monday, February 20, 2012

Travel Photography : Rome and surroundings on film.

This is a little bit of a personal post. There's nothing wrong with being open and willing to share a bit of my own personal self with you too, right? ;) If any of you have read our about page here, you'll know that I was born in Roma and am an Italian citizen. Even if I've been in the awesome USA for 15 years, I love and miss Rome and when I decided to get my old album out of the shelf, I though to scan some of my old film images to show you here. I can't wait to go back to visit my family and friends and to take Josh with me too! Thanks for looking though this little slice of my world ;) <3

~ Alice

(ps: these are scans of regular 'ol 35mm 4x6 prints. they started off in color but had faded to something i wasn't happy with, so I applied a simple Sepia action to get them consistent. in case I have any technical people reading ;)



Fontana di Trevi, Roma

Piazza del Popolo, Roma

Trevignano Romano

Trevignao Romano (Lago di Bracciano)

Trevignano Romano (Lago di Bracciano)

A room in the market area in Ostia Antica

The floor in a room in the market area in Ostia Antica

Ostia Antica

Drainage of the Cento Fontane at Villa d'Este, Tivoli

Fontana della Natura, Villa d'Este, Tivoli

Rometta fountain, Villa d'Este, Tivoli (Rome in the background)

Villa Adriana, Tivoli (Hadrian's Villa)

Villa Adriana, Tivoli (Hadrian's Villa)

Detail of the floor of one of Villa Adriana's bath house rooms

Detail of the floor of one of Villa Adriana's bath house rooms

"Rome or Death", sculpture to Garibaldi on the Gianicolo Hill in Rome